Monday, September 15, 2008

Farmaid - Concert and Benefit

Farmaid: a concert and a benefit. This all day concert serves the purpose of consumer awareness and helping farm grown food feed more people. The food is organic and humanely-raised; giving people healthy food and a way to be charitable to themselves. 
Many of us do not spend the extra $$ on healthy food because unhealthy food is so much cheaper and quicker to buy and eat. But if we took a few extra minutes and bought farm-grown fresh food we would not only help those growing it, but ourselves and our families. Eating less crap (and not ending up like those individuals in the movie WallE) isnt' always easy, but don't you feel so much better when you eat healthy and work out? Don't have the time to prepare food? Why not do it in the beginning of the week so you have lunch/dinner for the week. Not the type to eat leftovers? Why not just cook it the night before and have it for lunch the next day? 

And if you have time - check out the Farmaid concert this upcoming Saturday in Mansfield, MA. Support a good cause...yourself. 

Friday, August 29, 2008

Moving Time

For all of you movers out there - isn't this a great "labor" day weekend? While you are packing, moving and unpacking, do not forget to take the time to be conscious of what you use and trashing. It is common to use lots of cardboard boxes and throw them away. Why not fold them up and save them for the next time you move? Plastic bags - re-use them as garbage bags. Too many clothes to fit in your closet now? Why not donate them or hold a clothes sharing party? Have some apps/drinks and exchange clothes with friends that may want what you have. Food that you're throwing out of your refrigerator? Donate it to a homeless shelter or hold on to it, you may be hungry while you move. 
Move safe - don't trip and fall (sorry Lane) - and be excited to move into your new place - while you're being environmentally friendly.  :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Volunteer for the Jimmy Fund

"By volunteering your time at a Jimmy Fund event, you ensure the money we raise goes directly where it is needed most - to research and patient care at Dana-Farber." (
For those of you, like myself, who would like to do something with their "free" time other than just sitting around on our butts, volunteering your time is a great option. The Jimmy Fund is always putting on events around Boston to help raise money for Cancer research. I am signed up to volunteer the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk on Sunday, September 21st. It barely requires any effort, but putting on a smile and lending a helping hand to support the walkers in the Walk. These walkers are raising at least $250.00 (minimum) each for cancer research. 
Even if you don't have time to volunteer that day, stop by and clap your hands for these walkers and the Jimmy Fund for putting on this event to raise money for such a worthy cause (and say hi to me too)! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

SIGG - Another Sweedish Sweet

Have you heard of the SIGG Water Bottles yet? My friend Steph turned me onto them when plastic water bottles were found to cause possible health problems. Some were even found to be carcinogenic so if you are one of those plastic water bottle users -- make sure your plastic water bottle is safe (!
If you are looking for a change - especially one that keeps your liquids colder, longer -- check out SIGG. They may be a tad pricey but well worth it. The bottles are made with an internal coating that "are resistant to fruit juice acids, energy drinks, alcohol and virtually any consumable beverage. Because the liners are taste and scent neutral you can enjoy any beverage you'd like - without any lingering smell or taste of that last beverage you drank." (
The bottles come in over 100 different designs made by different artists -- so you can have pretty flowers, the Swiss symbol, something Eco-friendly, or just plain and simple. They were made in an eco-friendly environment, are recyclable and with each purchase 1% goes to environmental causes.
My new SIGG is being delivered to me next week!
Do you have your SIGG? Thoughts? Comments?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Why Black?

I purposefully chose my blog to have a black background. Is it because everything looks good in black? Black dress? Black miniskirt? Although black is a great color/shade to wear, it is even better on your computer screen. If you haven't heard yet, Blackle, is the "new" Google. (see  It is powered by Google's search engine, but saves energy, because your computer uses less energy to power a black/dark screen rather than a white/light colored screen. As Blackle suggests, set it as your homepage, in order to save energy each time you go to your browser and search on the internet. Although many of us, like myself love to use the small google tool bar on the top of my browser, I have yet to see one made by Blackle. Keep a lookout -- as all the new technologies for our phones, ipods, and computers are arising everday, I am sure this toolbar is not far away either. 

Be Charitable to the environment -- it's a way to be charitable to your future, and your kids' future too. 

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Volunteer: community service or donations?

Volunteering used to be considered giving one's time and self to a worthy cause. Nowadays, more and more individuals open up their wallets rather than themselves. I am not criticizing those who donate to charitable causes such as cancer research, orphanages, etc, because I myself donate more often than not. When I took a year off between college and law school I had the money to donate to my favorite causes, so I chose to donate 15% of my salary to 3-4 of my choice causes. It can be easier to donate, and also very rewarding to be able to give money, especially when one has the means to do so. Sometimes we even feel that our money can go further than our own effort. 

That is not always the case, and neither as rewarding, in my opinion. Ask anyone who walked for Breast Cancer, played in a charity softball game for Leukemia, gave blood for the Red Cross, assisted at a soup kitchen, helped collect presents for a family during the holidays, and/or tutored underprivileged children. Maybe this list is a bit biased, cause I myself assisted and/or planned these charitable events, but each and every volunteer felt just as rewarded by the experience. Maybe that is why the community service committee at my law school has so many volunteers at its events. People enjoy the opportunity to actually take their eyes away from computers, their hands away from their paperwork and books, and step outside and get a little dirty. Time permitted, of course. 

I do agree that money is definitely crucial and most charities need the donations in order to commit to the service events for their cause. But before opening up just our bank accounts for our favorite charities, why not ask if they need a hand too? It may just be priceless (pun intended).