Farmaid: a concert and a benefit. This all day concert serves the purpose of consumer awareness and helping farm grown food feed more people. The food is organic and humanely-raised; giving people healthy food and a way to be charitable to themselves.
Many of us do not spend the extra $$ on healthy food because unhealthy food is so much cheaper and quicker to buy and eat. But if we took a few extra minutes and bought farm-grown fresh food we would not only help those growing it, but ourselves and our families. Eating less crap (and not ending up like those individuals in the movie WallE) isnt' always easy, but don't you feel so much better when you eat healthy and work out? Don't have the time to prepare food? Why not do it in the beginning of the week so you have lunch/dinner for the week. Not the type to eat leftovers? Why not just cook it the night before and have it for lunch the next day?
And if you have time - check out the Farmaid concert this upcoming Saturday in Mansfield, MA. Support a good cause...yourself.